Retargeting Campaigns

By default, Topple’s advertising campaigns are “prospecting” campaigns, as opposed to “retargeting” campaigns, because they actively go out and try to find potential new customers who may have never heard of your company, or visited your website, before.

Topple offers retargeting retargeting campaigns that exclusively target users who have previously visited an advertisers website. 

Advertisers must have a retargeting pixel on their website in order for Topple to build a custom audience to retarget.

Retargeting pixels can be created by visiting the Conversion Tracking page of their account and creating a new “no value” conversion tracking pixel. 

Important: Creating the pixel is not the end!

You will need to install the retargeting pixel on every page of your website you wish to retarget. For many advertisers, this is every page of their website EXCEPT the “thank you” page after a conversion action has taken place. 

Often times, advertisers will have a separate conversion tracking pixel on the “thank you” page. When this is done, advertisers may “block” users who have completed a conversion while selecting to “target” users who have been exposed to the retargeting pixel.

A retargeting pixel can be created in Conversion Tracking page of your advertiser dashboard. Be sure to set the Conversion Value to "No value (Default)". This tag should be added to all pages on your websitewhose visitors you wish to retarget.

How to target and block different pixels

If you have multiple pixels created you may only want to retarget users exposed to one pixel. We make this easy to do in Step 3 of the campaign creation process.

Simply enable the retargeting campaign by activating the toggle where the platform asks “Is this a retargeting campaign?” and then target, block, or ignore the pixels as you wish.

If you haven’t created any pixels yet and you attempt to create a retargeting campaign you will be prompted to create a conversion pixel on the Conversion Tracking page.

After you have created a conversion pixel you may go back to complete the retargeting campaign creation process.